Picture a Day #139, 6-14-14 | Janesville Photographer

June 14, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Picture a Day #139, 6-14-14 | Janesville PhotographerPicture a Day #139, 6-14-14 | Janesville PhotographerAn old Farmall pulls a New Holland baler. The baler lacks a bale thrower so two guys are on the wagon stacking hay bales. This photo was taken by Afton in Rock County by Janesville photographer Jason Mielke of High Impact Creations LLC.


Picture a Day, June 14th, 2014 

I saw this old Farmall tractor hooked up to a New Holland Baler in a field by Afton early this morning when I was on my way out to a photo shoot. I figured I might catch this rig in action on the way back late this morning and I lucked out! They were just starting to bale this hay field.

When I was growing up I worked for many area farmers in my home town--sometimes stacking bales on the back of a flat wagon as these guys are today. Often times, the baler would be equipped with a throwing mechanism that tosses the bales into an enclosed wagon. That wagon would then need to be unloaded into the hay mow of the farmer's barn. One person would put the bales of hay on an elevator while another person would be on the hay mow side of that elevator. There job was to take the bales and stack them in the hay mow--which was usually hot and very dusty. 

Much of that manual labor has been replaced by more efficient methods of collecting the hay these days. Some smaller operations, typically hobby farms or horse boarding farms still do this here and there.

I posted the picture a day earlier today because I will spend much of the remaining day at the Rock County Historical Society's 5k/10k walk/run. This event is at the Janesville Lincoln-Tallman House. Even if you are not participating in the walk/run, please consider coming out: Rainbow Bridge will be playing, refreshments will be plenty, they will be roasting a pig, and it is a great event for the whole family! 

High Impact Creations LLC has partnered with the Rock County Historical Society for the past two years to provide promotional photographs for their marketing efforts. I'll be posting some photos on this blog over the coming days.

Have an excellent weekend!!!




High Impact Creations LLC is a professional photography provider in Janesville, WI, as well as surrounding areas in Southern Wisconsin and Norther Illinois. We provide event photography, business head shots, modeling portfolios, boudoir, glamour, pinup, seniors, engagement, and wedding photography.  



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