Rock Girl Calendar Contest Week 2 Roundup

June 14, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

I am a bit late posting this but I've had a busy schedule this week. Sunday marked the second round of the 105.9 The Hog Rock Girl contest. The weather wasn't going to cooperate for an outdoor show but, fortunately, having a great venue like the Anchor Inn means the show will go on indoors! I thought Cherrie Pie put on an excellent show last week and likely would be a high water mark as far as 80s cover bands go. But I was wrong! This week Denim n Leather played--even with a scaled down stage for the indoor venue, they blew me away with an 80s rock playlist I swear they stole off my streaming account! 

The opening song was "Long Stick Goes Boom" by Krokus. Krokus is slightly off the beaten bath for casual 80s rock fans but for me, the Krokus "Alive and Kicking" album is still one of my favorites. Krokus is still out there touring, by the way, and they sound just as good now as they did back in the day--which is yet another reason why I was impressed to hear a band covering them but sounding just as good. Denim n Leather is four solid musicians that have no problem recreating whatever they decide to add to their set list. Sunday they covered everything from Randy Rhoads era Ozzy, to Iron Maiden, and Dio. Of course you'll find the occasional Motley Crue cover and GnR cover but they weren't afraid to stray from the well worn path with songs like, "Ten Seconds" and "Rocket Queen." I hope this band gets another shot at the outdoor stage at the Anchor Inn, I certainly wouldn't miss it!

2019 Rock Girl Calendar contestants competed with a sporty and sexy theme. There wasn't much overlap from one costume to the next. There was a cheerleader, a boxer, a couple baseball jerseys, a tennis player, and an assortment of other sports themed outfits. 2018 Rock Girl Kendra sat on the judges

panel for The Hog. Kendra was in both the 2017 and the 2018 calendars. She gets my vote for dealing with the most difficult shoot concept ever: the air conditioning shoot. How do you make an air conditioner sexy and rock n roll? Check the 2018 calendar to find out! 

Winners of this year's contest will face the same challenges of modeling for the calendar sponsors. That means representing the sponsor's product or service. The objective is to produce an image that the calendar's target audience will want to look at, while promoting the products and services of the sponsors, making the rock girl look hot but not objectifying or offending. Fortunately, the Hog has an excellent staff and they are fully engaged in the artistic direction of the calendar. 

Rock Girl contestants are also battling for fan favorite votes. You can cast your vote by visiting online or stopping by this Sunday, June 17th, 4pm, at the Anchor Inn for the final contest round and the announcement of the 6 girls that will represent 105.9 The Hog in the next calendar. 

See you Sunday!



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